National BABC to launch new website

The BABC is well on its way to delivering a new, modern and content driven website to replace the current They are working along three trajectories: content/site map; look and feel; and back end functionality.

The back end CMS will provide an interface where chapter admins can log in to update their chapter information, events, news, etc. and also share information privately amongst chapters.

The website will feature content from our International Advisory Board, chapters, policy work, and trade/investment sources. BABC will also be working with a new content partner to deliver certain pieces, including a refreshed version of Investment News. Many of the chapters view the Investment News as an important document and appreciate BABC’s plans to improve it.

Decommissioning of Database
The anticipated launch date of the site is January 2016. At that point BABC will decommission the current BABC website, as well as the chapter-wide database (which they currently require chapters to keep updated). BABC will not be replacing the chapter-wide database and so end of life for the database will coincide with the launch of the new website. Going forward, if any chapter members would like to make specific connections in another chapter, this can be facilitated via one chapter admin to another.

In addition, if there are any chapters currently relying on the BABC database as their sole member management system, who would like to continue using this database for their chapter, please contact Tamra Eker at and she will connect you with Team Allita, who currently provide this service.

Update provided by:
Tamra Eker
BABC Secretariat
T: (212) 983-3728
F: (212) 661-4074

Notice from BABC to Chapter Colleagues

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